[verse 1]
i know what i came to do
and that ain't gonna change
so go ahead and talk your talk
cause i won't take the bait
i'm over here doing what i like
i'm over here working day and night
and if my real ain't real enough
i'm sorry for you, bae
let's find a light inside our universe now
where ain't n-body keep on holding us down
just come and get it, let them say what they say
cause i'm about to put them all away
focus on me, f-f-focus on me
focus on me, f-f-focus on me
focus on me (focus), f-f-focus on me (focus on me)
focus on me (focus), f-f-focus on me (focus on me)
[verse 2]
i can tell you're curious
it's written on your lips
ain't no need to hold it back
go ‘head and talk your sh-t
i know you're hoping that i'll react
i know you're hoping i'm looking back
but if my real ain't real enough
then i don't know what is
let's find a light inside our universe now
where ain't n-body keep on holding us down
just come and get it, let them say what they say
cause i'm about to put them all away
focus on me, f-f-focus on me
focus on me, f-f-focus on me
focus on me (focus), f-f-focus on me (focus on me)
focus on me (focus), f-f-focus on me (focus on me)
1, 2, 3, c'mon girls
you're gonna like it
come on, now, now
let's find a light inside our universe now
where ain't n-body keep on holding us down
just come and get it, let them say what they say
cause i'm about to put them all away
focus on me, f-f-focus on me
focus on me, f-f-focus on me
focus on me (focus), f-f-focus on me (focus on me)
focus on me (focus), f-f-focus on me (focus on me)
focus on me, f-f-focus on me
focus on me, f-f-focus on me
focus on me (focus), f-f-focus on me (focus on me)
focus on me (focus), f-f-focus on me (focus on me)
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