i wonder why
i feel i'm on top of the moon
oh wait it's cuz of you
i fill my cup with apple juice
sunday morning watching cartoons
[verse 1]
baby i don't wanna go home tonight
let me stay with you
it's 4 am, and your dads come in
(yelling confrontation)
cuz i don't get spooked easily
looked on tv, i swear i saw your eyes
i was watching documentaries
of stars and mars and planets in the sky
[verse 2]
have you ever wondered like i do?
and had those sleepless nights
it's when i think of you
have you ever wondered like i do?
wish i could fly my kite
and wake up next to you
[chorus x2]
cuz i don't get spooked easily
looked on tv, i swеar i saw your eyes
i was watching documentariеs
of stars and mars and planets in the sky
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