[verse 1: robert lamm]
i hear those jingle bells
on this midnight clear
hark a heralded angel sings
santa will be here
all i want for christmas
is a silent night with you
and a frosty ‘mount of snow
so we can go
on a sleigh ride just for two
[chorus: robert lamm]
have a very merry christmas day
and a happy new year, too
thank you for the love you give
my greatest gift is you, ooh
you make life a holiday
it's like magic when you do
merry christmas
i love you
[bridge: robert lamm]
when i count my blessings
you're the first one on my list
and when i feel a little lonely
you're the only one i miss
[chorus: robert lamm]
have a very merry christmas day
and a happy new year, too
thank you for the love you give
thank you for the love you give
my greatest gift is you, ooh
you make life a holiday
it's like magic when you do
merry christmas
i love you
[saxophone solo]
[chorus: robert lamm]
you make life a holiday
it's like magic when you do
merry christmas
i love you
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