when she was just a girl
she expected the world
but it flew away from her reach
so she ran away in her sleep
dreamed of para- para- paradise
para- para- paradise
para- para- paradise
every time she closed her eyes
whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh
when she was just a girl
she expected the world
but it flew away from her reach
and the bullets catch in her teeth
life goes on
it gets so heavy
the wheel breaks the b-tterfly
every tear, a waterfall
in the night, the stormy night
she closed her eyes
in the night, the stormy night
away she'd fly.
and dreamed of para- para- paradise
para- para- paradise
para- para- paradise
whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh
she dreamed of para- para- paradise
para- para- paradise
para- para- paradise
whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.
la la la la
la la la
so lying underneath those stormy skies.
she said oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.
i know the sun must set to rise.
this could be para- para- paradise
para- para- paradise
this could be para- para- paradise
whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.
this could be para- para- paradise
para- para- paradise
could be para- para- paradise
whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.
this could be para- para- paradise
para- para- paradise
could be para- para- paradise
whoa-oh-oh oh-oooh oh-oh-oh.
oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo
oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo
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