where is my boy?
i saw you come out of a scene
maybe in some kind of dream
something that never comes
time that i take…
see over in arms i'll raise
i'll race in to find you
i'll race in to find you
time stands
i open your eyes to my world
i see you come out of it all
unharmed and unscathed
and shouting, oh
come on in
in houses i live in
and changes you're making
to the state of affairs
calling “where is my boy?â€
i have seen you so often
i cry “where is my boy?â€
oh, have you all forgotten?
and in some kind of dream
have i seen you before
oh, have i seen you before?
oh, where is my boy?
so come all the way
changing your number
changing the house where you live
change your lines
have i seen you before?
in some kind of a dream?
in a place you've forgotten
a place i've forgotten
so where is my boy?
when i kneel in your arms
i flew awry
where is my boy?
have i seen you before?
in some kind of a dream?
have i seen you before?
in some kind of a dream?
in my hands you'll fall
open in as it seems
have i seen you before?
oh baby, your arms and your legs are shattered
where is my boy?
where is my boy?
i said “where is my boy?â€
have you seen me before?
when i look in your eyes
tell me “he had to goâ€
said “i seen you before
in some kind of dreamâ€
seems i've seen you before
in some kind of a dream
i say “where is the boy?â€
have i seen you before?
yeah, i saw you before
in some kind of a dream
i say “where was my head?
when i needed it most?â€
oh, i stayed here before
yes i stay in the place i know
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