Intro : C Cmaj7 C7 F Fm Em A Dm G7 C Cmaj7 C7 F Fm Em A Dm G7 C Cmaj7 empty days to every day C7 F i want everyone to know Fm Em what i found roaming around A Dm to bless me while i'm alive G7 that's without a doubt.. C Cmaj7 and through separate ways C7 F desperately facing everyone around Fm Em i had a dream that we would meet A Dm and go places beyond what we've seen G7 keep my heart with you from now forevermore.. Outro : C Cmaj7 C7 F Fm Em A Dm G7 C Cmaj7 C7 F Fm Em A Dm G7 C Cmaj7 C7 F Fm Em A Dm G7 -------------- ===ORIGINAL CHORD=== -------------- Intro : A Amaj7 A7 D Dm C#m F# Bm E7 A Amaj7 A7 D Dm C#m F# Bm E7 A Amaj7 empty days to every day A7 D i want everyone to know Dm C#m what i found roaming around F# Bm to bless me while i'm alive E7 that's without a doubt.. A Amaj7 and through separate ways A7 D desperately facing everyone around Dm C#m i had a dream that we would meet F# Bm and go places beyond what we've seen E7 keep my heart with you from now forevermore.. Outro : A Amaj7 A7 D Dm C#m F# Bm E7 A Amaj7 A7 D Dm C#m F# Bm E7 A Amaj7 A7 D Dm C#m F# Bm E7
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