my mind's telling me to go
i can't stand up now
boy you got me feeling so weak
your ocean was drowning me
arms wrapped around me
now i'm getting in too deep
not falling 'cause i want to
baby you keep pushing me
don't love you cause i need to
but it's everything you doin' to me
make music when you're moanin'
from night until the morning
just tell me when you're ready
and imma paint your body with my lips
baby i'll do
anything you want
lock me down like your slave
cause ooh
when you're done with me
i can't even concentrate, concentrate
drag of a cigarette
sheet are all soaking wet
coldplay on the radio
you keep running through my head
wanna do it again
we can take it nice and slow
make music when you're moanin'
from night until the morning
just tell me when you're ready
and imma paint your body with my lips
baby i'll do
anything you want
lock me down like your slave
cause ooh
when you're done with me
i can't even concentrate
i can't even concentrate
i can't even concentrate
i can't even concentrate
i can't even concentrate
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