putting my defenses up
cause i don't wanna fall in love
if i ever did that, i think i'd have a heart attack
never put my love out on the line
never said yes to the right guy
never had trouble getting what i want
but when it comes to you i'm never good enough
when i don't care
i can play him like a ken doll
won't wash my hair
then make him bounce like a basketball
but you make me wanna act like a girl
paint my nails and wear high heels
yes you, make me so nervous that i just can't hold your hand
you make me glow
but i cover up, won't let it show
so i'm putting my defenses up
cause i don't wanna fall in love
if i ever did that, i think i'd have a heart attack
i think i'd have a heart attack
i think i'd have a heart attack
never break a sweat for the other guys
when you come around i get paralyzed
and every time i try to be myself
it comes out wrong like a cry for help
it's just not fair
brings more trouble than it all is worth
i gasp for air
it feels so good, but you know it hurts
but you make me wanna act like a girl
paint my nails and wear perfume
for you, make me so nervous that i just can't hold your hand
you make me glow
but i cover up, won't let it show
so i'm putting my defenses up
cause i don't wanna fall in love
if i ever did that, i think i'd have a heart attack
i think i'd have a heart attack
i think i'd have a heart attack
the feelings got lost in my lungs
they're burning, i'd rather be numb
and there's no one else to blame
so scared i'll take off and run
i'm flying too close to the sun
and i'll burst into flames
you make me glow
but i cover up, won't let it show
so i'm putting my defenses up
cause i don't wanna fall in love
if i ever did that, i think i'd have a heart attack
i think i'd have a heart attack
i think i'd have a heart attack
i think i'd have a heart attack
i think i'd have a heart attack
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