(verse 1)
la la land
la la land
i am confident but i still have my moments
baby, that's just me
i'm not a supermodel
i still eat mcdonalds
baby, that's just me
well, some may say i need to be afraid of losing everything because of
where i had my starting
where i made my name
well, everything's the same in the la la land machine
(verse 2)
who said that i can't wear my converse with my dress?
well baby, that's just me
who said i can't be single and have to go out and mingle?
baby, that's not me
(verse 2)
well, some may say i need to be afraid of losing everything because of
where i had my starting
where i made my name
well everything's the same in the la la land machine
well, some may say i need to be afraid of losing everything because of
where i had my starting
where i made my name
well everything's the same in the la la land machine
well, i'm not gonna change in the la la land
i will stay the same in the la la land machine
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