skies are crying
i am watching catching teardrops in my hands
only silence, as it's ending, like we never had a chance
do you have to make me feel like there's nothing left of me?
you can take everything i have
you can break everything i am
like i'm made of gl-ss
like i'm made of paper
go on and try to tear me down
i will be rising from the ground
like a skyscr-per
like a skyscr-per
as the smoke clears i awaken and untangle you from me
would it make you feel better to watch me while i bleed?
all my windows still are broken but i'm standing on my feet
you can take everything i have
you can break everything i am
like i'm made of gl-ss
like i'm made of paper
go on and try to tear me down
i will be rising from the ground
like a skyscr-per
like a skyscr-per
go run run run
i'm gonna stay right here
watch you disappear
go run run run
yeah it's a long way down but i'm closer to the clouds up here
you can take everything i have
you can break everything i am
like i'm made of gl-ss
like i'm made of paper
go on and try to tear me down
i will be rising from the ground like a skyscr-per
like a skyscr-per
like a skyscr-per
like a skyscr-per
like a skyscr-per
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