stone cold, stone cold
you see me standing, but i'm dying on the floor
stone cold, stone cold
maybe if i don't cry, i won't feel anymore
stone cold, baby
god knows i tried to feel
happy for you
know that i am, even if i
can't understand, i'll take the pain
give me the truth, me and my heart
we'll make it through
if happy is her, i'm happy for you
stone cold, stone cold
you're dancing with her, while i'm staring at my phone
stone cold, stone cold
i was your amber, but now she's your shade of gold
stone cold, baby
god knows i tried to feel
happy for you
know that i am, even if i
can't understand, i'll take the pain
give me the truth, me and my heart
we'll make it through
if happy is her, i'm happy for you
don't wanna be stone cold, stone
i wish i could mend this but here's my goodbye
oh, i'm happy for you
know that i am, even if i
can't understand
if happy is her, if happy is her
i'm happy for you
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