you are my life you are my love
now i've found you never want to be without you
you know my heart you were my lover
lying with me sleeping softly
there's no doubt inside my mind i really know
just hold my hand and i will never let you go
i believe in love
but as this night comes softly down
as it surrounds us i need you now
there will be times some rain will fall
i'll be your shelter i'll fill your soul
there's no doubt inside my mind i really know
just hold my hand and i will never let you go
i believe in love i believe in love
there's no way i'll loose my faith in you because
i believe in love
close your eyes feel me now
i will never let you down
close your eyes feel me now
i will never let you down
(chorus repeat)
i will never let you down
close your eyes feel me now
i will never let you down
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