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Chord Isyana Sarasvati - Mad Kunci Gitar Dasar dan Lirik

 Capo ♪ fret 3

Intro : Am...

 back off I don't need you right now
come on get lost I don't need you right now
and I don't wanna hear
          D                    Am
all these words flyin' round tonight..

 rock bottom isn't where I belong
 is got courage but you're now running short
plus you don't have a clue
          D                Am
what it's like to be me at all.. oyeah.. e

Am              Em
 you think you know 
              D             Am
me let's just make it very clear
you'd probably never 
     D                Am
in a hundred thousand years
so don't go acting 
            D              Am
like you've got me figured out
                Em      D
don't mess with me yeah exactly..

Reff :
 F                     Dm
 you.. hey listen it's you..
 yeah I know that you'll keep on burnin'
        Am                          A
 but my wheels they'll just keep on turning
       F                     Dm
 oh oh you.. Hey listen it's you..
 take a step back and let's get going
       Am                     A
 lemme show you what i've got coming
           F   Em                (Am)
 yeah it's you... Hey listen it's you..

Int. Am...

 back off I don't need you right now 
come on get lost I don't need you right now
and I don't wanna hear
          D                    Am
all these words flyin' round tonight oh yeah.. e

Am              Em
 you think you know 
              D             Am
me let's just make it very clear
you'd probably never 
     D                Am
in a hundred thousand years
so don't go acting 
            D              Am
like you've got me figured out
                Em      D
don't mess with me yeah exactly..

Reff :
 F                     Dm
 you.. hey listen it's you..
 yeah I know that you'll keep on burnin'
        Am                          A
 but my wheels they'll just keep on turning
       F                     Dm
 oh oh you.. Hey listen it's you..
 take a step back and let's get going
       Am                     A
 lemme show you what i've got coming
           Am-Em-Dm-C Gm C              
 yeah it's you... 
                 Am.Em.Dm.C Dm E
 hey listen it's you..

Am              Em
 you think you know 
              D             Am
me let's just make it very clear
you'd probably never 
     D                Am
in a hundred thousand years
so don't go acting 
            D              Am
like you've got me figured out
                Em      D
don't mess with me yeah exactly..

Reff :
 F                     Dm
 you.. hey listen it's you..
 yeah I know that you'll keep on burnin'
        Am                          A
 but my wheels they'll just keep on turning
       F                     Dm
 oh oh you.. Hey listen it's you..
 take a step back and let's get going
       Am                     A
 lemme show you what i've got coming
           F   Em                 (Am)
 Yeah it's you... hey listen it's you..

Am              Em
 you think you know 
              D             Am
me let's just make it very clear
you'd probably never 
     D                Am
in a hundred thousand years
so don't go acting 
            D              Am
like you've got me figured out
            Em  -C    Am
oh oh oh oh oh.. it's you..


Intro : Cm...

 back off I don't need you right now
come on get lost I don't need you right now
and I don't wanna hear
          F                    Cm
all these words flyin' round tonight..

 rock bottom isn't where I belong
 is got courage but you're now running short
plus you don't have a clue
          F                Cm
what it's like to be me at all.. oyeah.. e

Cm              Gm
 you think you know 
              F             Cm
me let's just make it very clear
you'd probably never 
     F                Cm
in a hundred thousand years
so don't go acting 
            F              Cm
like you've got me figured out
                Gm      F
don't mess with me yeah exactly..

Reff :
 G#                    Fm
 you.. hey listen it's you..
 yeah I know that you'll keep on burnin'
        Cm                          C
 but my wheels they'll just keep on turning
       G#                    Fm
 oh oh you.. Hey listen it's you..
 take a step back and let's get going
       Cm                     C
 lemme show you what i've got coming
           G#  Gm                (Cm)
 yeah it's you... Hey listen it's you..

Int. Cm...

 back off I don't need you right now 
come on get lost I don't need you right now
and I don't wanna hear
          F                    Cm
all these words flyin' round tonight oh yeah.. e

Cm              Gm
 you think you know 
              F             Cm
me let's just make it very clear
you'd probably never 
     F                Cm
in a hundred thousand years
so don't go acting 
            F              Cm
like you've got me figured out
                Gm      F
don't mess with me yeah exactly..

Reff :
 G#                    Fm
 you.. hey listen it's you..
 yeah I know that you'll keep on burnin'
        Cm                          C
 but my wheels they'll just keep on turning
       G#                    Fm
 oh oh you.. Hey listen it's you..
 take a step back and let's get going
       Cm                     C
 lemme show you what i've got coming
           Cm-Gm-Fm-D# A#m D#             
 yeah it's you... 
                 Cm-Gm-Fm-D# Fm G
 hey listen it's you..

Cm              Gm
 you think you know 
              F             Cm
me let's just make it very clear
you'd probably never 
     F                Cm
in a hundred thousand years
so don't go acting 
            F              Cm
like you've got me figured out
                Gm      F
don't mess with me yeah exactly..

Reff :
 G#                    Fm
 you.. hey listen it's you..
 yeah I know that you'll keep on burnin'
        Cm                          C
 but my wheels they'll just keep on turning
       G#                    Fm
 oh oh you.. Hey listen it's you..
 take a step back and let's get going
       Cm                     C
 lemme show you what i've got coming
           G#  Gm                 (Cm)
 Yeah it's you... hey listen it's you..

Cm              Gm
 you think you know 
              F             Cm
me let's just make it very clear
you'd probably never 
     F                Cm
in a hundred thousand years
so don't go acting 
            F              Cm
like you've got me figured out
            Gm  -D#   Cm
oh oh oh oh oh.. it's you..

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