one day i said i would be rich and i said i'd have a family
would i really be content with my husband and his family? oh, no
what's worse than lookin' at my neighbours pretending' that they're happy, mm
is one day lookin' at myself and i'm sayin' that i'm sorry, mm
hear me out, hear me out now, i'll be right home
called you twice already now, please pick up the phone
hear me out, hear me out now, i'll be right home
i don't know, i don't know why, but i made it home
what if i look into their eyes and i tell them that it's over, mm
something i can't say to myself but i'll say it in the mirror, oh, no
i've heard so many of these stories, i never thought they'd be me, hmm
why can't we leave it? should've left it as just another chapter
it stays the same, will always remain with my heart in doubt
how do we face the colours that fade and find my way out?
hear me out, hear me out now, i'll be right home
called you twice already now, please pick up the phone
hear me out, hear me out now, i'll be right home
i don't know, i don't know why, but i call it home
once, was i lookin' at myself and sayin' that i'm sorry?
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