if i were a boy, even just for a day
i'd roll out of bed in the morning
and throw on what i wanted and go
drink beer with the guys
and chase after girls
i'd kick it with who i wanted
and i'd never get confronted for it
cause they'd stick up for me
if i were a boy
i think i could understand
how it feels to love a girl
i swear i'd be a better man
it's a little too late
for you to come back
say it's just a mistake
think i'd forgive you like that
if you thought i would wait for you
you thought wrong
but you're just a boy
you don't understand
yeah you don't understand, ohh
how it feels to love a girl, someday
you'll wish you were a better man, m-hm
you don't listen to her
you don't care how it hurts, yeah yeah
until you lose the one you wanted
he's taken you for granted
and everything you had got destroyed
you're just a boy
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