i'm not a fortune teller
i won't be bringing news
of what tomorrow brings
i'll leave that up to you
i'm not a fortune teller
don't have a crystal ball
i can't predict the future
can't see nothin' at all
it doesn't mean i'm afraid of all the things that you say
but i just think we should just stay
stuck in the moment today
and as the seasons roll by no matter how hard i try
summer will end and the leaves will turn again
i don't know why you're acting like this
i don't know why you had to do it again
why'd you have to go and ruin the night?
don't worry about tomorrows mess
i'll never know how the future will go
i don't know what to tell ya, i'm not a fortune teller
i'll never change but i want you to stay
i don't know what to tell ya, i'm not a fortune teller
i don't like watchin' tv
i don't know what it all means
and your american dream
baby, it just isn't me
i know that what i'm thinking
may not be on your mind
i know the song i'm singing
is not your favorite kind
it doesn't mean i'm afraid of all the things that you say
but i just think we should just stay
stuck in the moment today
and as the seasons roll by no matter how hard i try
summer will end and the leaves will turn again
i don't know why you're acting like this
i don't know why you had to do it again
why'd ya have to go and ruin the night?
don't worry about tomorrows mess
i'll never know how the future will go
i don't know what to tell ya, i'm not a fortune teller
i'll never change but i want you to stay
i don't know what to tell ya, i'm not a fortune teller
this feeling, keeps growing
these rivers keep flowing
how can i have answers
when you drown me in questions?
i'll never know how the future will go
i don't know what to tell ya, i'm not a fortune teller
i'll never change but i want you to stay
i don't know what to tell ya, i'm not a fortune teller
i'll never know how the future will go
i don't know what to tell ya, i'm not a fortune teller
i'll never change but i want you to stay
i don't know what to tell ya, i'm not a fortune teller
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