Capo di fret 2 Intro : Am G F.. Am G F.. Reff : Am left a long time ago, G now i really think that it's time to go F oh, i don't feel the same love.. F my heart is bankrupt.. -G Am left a long time ago, G now i really think that it's time to go F oh, i don't feel the same love.. F -G my heart is bankrupt.. Am okay, it's after two o'clock in the AM, zonin' G and i think it's time to stop all the waitin' and hopin' F for it to get better, it's time that i forget it F it's only been a week long, -G still hard to speak on Am burden on my soul took a toll, had to lift it G take another sip, 'nother puff, now i'm lifted F it's time to move on, i stayed too long F i love you, but I gotta let you go Reff : -G Am left a long time ago, G now i really think that it's time to go F oh, i don't feel the same love.. F my heart is bankrupt.. -G Am left a long time ago, G now i really think that it's time to go F oh, i don't feel the same love.. F -G my heart is bankrupt.. Am okay, it's time to turn the page on you G i know you're not entrapped to F it hurts 'cause this will be the first F G time that i don't have you by Am my side i might be sufferin', G 'cause i'm attached and wonderin' F when this will be pass and be my past F 'cause i got nothin' left Reff : Am left a long time ago, G now i really think that it's time to go F oh, i don't feel the same love.. F my heart is bankrupt.. -G Am left a long time ago, G now i really think that it's time to go F oh, i don't feel the same love.. F -G my heart is bankrupt.. Outro : Am G F..-G Am G F.. (fadeout) -------------- ===ORIGINAL CHORD=== -------------- Intro : Bm A G.. Bm A G.. Reff : Bm left a long time ago, A now i really think that it's time to go G oh, i don't feel the same love.. G my heart is bankrupt.. -A Bm left a long time ago, A now i really think that it's time to go G oh, i don't feel the same love.. G -A my heart is bankrupt.. Bm okay, it's after two o'clock in the AM, zonin' A and i think it's time to stop all the waitin' and hopin' G for it to get better, it's time that i forget it G it's only been a week long, -A still hard to speak on Bm burden on my soul took a toll, had to lift it A take another sip, 'nother puff, now i'm lifted G it's time to move on, i stayed too long G i love you, but I gotta let you go Reff : -A Bm left a long time ago, A now i really think that it's time to go G oh, i don't feel the same love.. G my heart is bankrupt.. -A Bm left a long time ago, A now i really think that it's time to go G oh, i don't feel the same love.. G -A my heart is bankrupt.. Bm okay, it's time to turn the page on you A i know you're not entrapped to G it hurts 'cause this will be the first G -A time that i don't have you by Bm my side i might be sufferin', A 'cause i'm attached and wonderin' G when this will be pass and be my past G 'cause i got nothin' left Reff : Bm left a long time ago, A now i really think that it's time to go G oh, i don't feel the same love.. G my heart is bankrupt.. -A Bm left a long time ago, A now i really think that it's time to go G oh, i don't feel the same love.. G -A my heart is bankrupt.. Outro : Bm A G..-A Bm A G.. (fadeout)
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