breathing city, living home
electric gardens filled with hope
lift my spirit, i wanna burn anew
in rivers flowing, pulling me to you
standing on your shoulders
i see clearly
now i understand
just give it time
the seeds we sow today will bear tomorrow's fruits
can't wait to see our children standing on the moon
looking back at our city
live and learn as we dive into the unknown
when each day is a blessing
there's always room to grow
you're my family i can call my own
this breathing city, my living home
i will learn to stand by
you and your love
i will defend
just give it time
the seeds we sow today will bear tomorrow's fruits
can't wait to see our children standing on the moon
looking back at our city
you know that's why
every tree that reaches out has grown its roots
me and you together living like we should
in our beautiful city
breathing city, living home
electric gardens filled with hope
lift my spirit
my breathing city
my living home
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