[verse 1]
words were fired aimlessly
i have a habit of not thinking when i speak
like a hundred steely knives
they fall down like shards of silver from the sky
we take shelter from this storm we made ourselves
try to cover up our hearts but realize
it's empty
we're empty
there is nothing more to save us from this war
[verse 2]
no one's winning, so ones safe
it keeps raging on till nothings left to spare
phone is ringing like a bomb
no one's picking up in fear it will go off
we take shelter from this storm we made ourselves
try to cover up our hearts but realize
it's empty
we're empty
there is nothing more to save us from this war
and it tears me up inside
i don't want to see you cry
i'm already torn inside
i don't wanna see you cry
it's empty
we're empty
there is nothing more to save us from this war
like a hundred steely knives
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Lirik Lagu, Chord Gitar, dan Video Youtube yang tersedia atau ditampilkan di atas hanyalah untuk tujuan pembelajaran dan referensi saja. kami juga tidak menyediakan link download mp3 maupun video, tonton video youtube dari Sezairi di youtube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=q8uOAL8YTxc
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