talk to me baby
tell me what you're feeling
you say you don't need to go
don't you pretend you didn't know
how all of this would end up
girl i saw it in your eyes
and baby i can read your mind
and expectations were not in sight
you knew that talking dirty to me on the phone would get me here
cause we both wanted to do this but i could tell that you were scared
cause you thought there was more to us but you knew how this would end
it's gonna end how you expected girl you're such a m-s-ch-st and i ask why
and you reply… i like the thrill
nothing's gonna make me feel this real
so baby don't go home
i don't wanna spend tonight alone
baby please
would you end your night with me
don't you leave me all behind
don't you leave my little life
no no no no no
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