OST. Raya And The Last Dragon Capo fret 2 F we're falling ever deeper G it's getting steeper Am dark days be bright again.. believe and we'll be stronger G together greater (C) i'm ready to trust again.. C G i'm too afraid to feel alive (didn't ask for it) Dm Am decorated pretty lies (didn't ask for it) C G Dm pretty love ain't what i need Am 'cause i need the real thing C shower me witg gold G so everybody could see Dm satay nasi lemak Am and some other delicaties C we could bring the world G together over the seas Dm we abide for the peace Am from the west to the east yeaaah Reff : F we're falling ever deeper G it's getting steeper Am dark days be bright again.. believe and we'll be stronger G together greater C G Dm Am i'm ready to trust again.. C G Dm Am i'm ready to trust again.. F G believe and we'll be stronger Dm together greater Am F we'll never fall again G beginning of the end (C) i'm ready to trust again.. C now you know G it's just the two of us, (yes sir) Dm Am i know lately i've been hard to trust C G Dm if i fall now, i won't fall out, (no) i'm not worry Am may tiwala and there's no doubt C G we will be in a bliss i know we got this Dm Am this will feel like a breeze you know we got this C G at'di ako aalis Dm 'sangga mo parang arnis Am kumapit ka sa 'kin please, i know i got this C G na-keun tee rai saeng daao Dm Am wan-tee-siia-jai yang mee dtuk-dtuk C kaang gaai.. G kop kun tuk tuk reuuang raao Dm tee koi nam paa lae Am C son hai chan cheuua jai.. G chuuay lohk dtong mee Dm maak gwaa pa-lang mang-gon.. Am C nee keu sing tee chan daai riian roo.. G prok kwaam cheuua eek Dm krang nai dton-nee.. Am tang hong din daen jeung glap (F) maa saa-mak-kee.. Reff : F we're falling ever deeper G it's getting steeper Am dark days be bright again believe and we'll be stronger G together greater C G Dm Am i'm ready to trust again.. C G Dm Am i'm ready to trust again.. F G believe and we'll be stronger Dm together greater Am F we'll never fall again G beginning of the end (Am) i'm ready to trust again.. Am through the ups and downs G will you help me from the ground? yeah F you make me feel so right G 'cause i feel best Am with you being around still, i gotta know, G wiil i ever let it go? C i believe in you, -Em we'll make it through F G i'm still not out of love.. Reff : D A Em Bm i'm ready to trust again.. D A Em Bm i'm ready to trust again.. G A believe and we'll be stronger Em together greater Bm G we'll never fall again A beginning of the end D A Em Bm i'm ready to trust again.. D A dududu-dududu o-oh Em Bm G dududu-dududu o-o-oh A believe and we'll be stronger Em together greater Bm G we'll never fall again A beginning of the end (D) i'm ready to trust again.. -------------- ===ORIGINAL CHORD=== -------------- G we're falling ever deeper A it's getting steeper Bm dark days be bright again.. believe and we'll be stronger A together greater (D) i'm ready to trust again.. D A i'm too afraid to feel alive (didn't ask for it) Em Bm decorated pretty lies (didn't ask for it) D A Em pretty love ain't what i need Bm 'cause i need the real thing D shower me witg gold A so everybody could see Em satay nasi lemak Bm and some other delicaties D we could bring the world A together over the seas Em we abide for the peace Bm from the west to the east yeaaah Reff : G we're falling ever deeper A it's getting steeper Bm dark days be bright again.. believe and we'll be stronger A together greater D A Em Bm i'm ready to trust again.. D A Em Bm i'm ready to trust again.. G A believe and we'll be stronger Em together greater Bm G we'll never fall again A beginning of the end (D) i'm ready to trust again.. D now you know A it's just the two of us, (yes sir) Em Bm i know lately i've been hard to trust D A Em if i fall now, i won't fall out, (no) i'm not worry Bm may tiwala and there's no doubt D A we will be in a bliss i know we got this Em Bm this will feel like a breeze you know we got this D A at'di ako aalis Em 'sangga mo parang arnis Bm kumapit ka sa 'kin please, i know i got this D A na-keun tee rai saeng daao Em Bm wan-tee-siia-jai yang mee dtuk-dtuk D kaang gaai.. A kop kun tuk tuk reuuang raao Em tee koi nam paa lae Bm D son hai chan cheuua jai.. A chuuay lohk dtong mee Em maak gwaa pa-lang mang-gon.. Bm D nee keu sing tee chan daai riian roo.. A prok kwaam cheuua eek Em krang nai dton-nee.. Bm tang hong din daen jeung glap (G) maa saa-mak-kee.. Reff : G we're falling ever deeper A it's getting steeper Bm dark days be bright again believe and we'll be stronger A together greater D A Em Bm i'm ready to trust again.. D A Em Bm i'm ready to trust again.. G A believe and we'll be stronger Em together greater Bm G we'll never fall again A beginning of the end (Bm) i'm ready to trust again.. Bm through the ups and downs A will you help me from the ground? yeah G you make me feel so right A 'cause i feel best Bm with you being around still, i gotta know, A wiil i ever let it go? D i believe in you, -D/F# we'll make it through G A i'm still not out of love.. Reff : E B F#m C#m i'm ready to trust again.. E B F#m C#m i'm ready to trust again.. A B believe and we'll be stronger F#m together greater C#m A we'll never fall again B beginning of the end E B F#m C#m i'm ready to trust again.. E B dududu-dududu o-oh F#m C#m A dududu-dududu o-o-oh B believe and we'll be stronger F#m together greater C#m A we'll never fall again B beginning of the end (E) i'm ready to trust again..
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