Capo ♪ fret 4 Intro : C..F..Em Am F G.. C I know I love you so much C I can't hide my feeling F I know this wasn't supposed.. Em Am to happen this way.. because F G of my shortcomings.. he ee.. C I know you love me too C I know you were trying F to avoid me.. Em Am even it was hard.. to do.. Dm G C G but everything has an end.. C I will let.. you go.. F because I love.. you.. Dm treat her the way you treat me we've been through a lot G I know it's hard.. C I wish your.. parents.. F -Em could un..derstand.. Dm how much you mean to me G but they don't.. Reff : C F I will stay.. away.. from you.. Em Am F G I'm to.. be strong.. C F I'm trying.. to forget.. you.. Em Am goodbye.. my dear.. F Fm C your happines is all I.. wish for.. Music : C..F..Em Am Dm G C G.. C I will let.. you go.. F because I love.. you.. Dm treat her the way you treat me we've been through a lot G I know it's hard.. C I wish your.. parents.. F -Em could un..derstand.. Dm how much you mean to me G but they don't.. Reff : C F I will stay.. away.. from you.. Em Am F G I'm to.. be strong.. C F I'm trying.. to forget.. you.. Em Am goodbye.. my dear.. F Fm C your happines is all I.. wish for.. F Fm C your happines is all I.. wish for.. -------------- ===ORIGINAL CHORD=== -------------- Intro : E..A..G#m C#m A B.. E I know I love you so much E I can't hide my feeling A I know this wasn't supposed.. G#m C#m to happen this way.. because A B of my shortcomings.. he ee.. E I know you love me too E I know you were trying A to avoid me.. G#m C#m even it was hard.. to do.. F#m B E B but everything has an end.. E I will let.. you go.. A because I love.. you.. F#m treat her the way you treat me we've been through a lot B I know it's hard.. E I wish your.. parents.. A -G#m could un..derstand.. F#m how much you mean to me B but they don't.. Reff : E A I will stay.. away.. from you.. G#m C#m A B I'm to.. be strong.. E A I'm trying.. to forget.. you.. G#m C#m goodbye.. my dear.. A Am E your happines is all I.. wish for.. Music : E..A..G#m C#m F#m B E B.. E I will let.. you go.. A because I love.. you.. F#m treat her the way you treat me we've been through a lot B I know it's hard.. E I wish your.. parents.. A -G#m could un..derstand.. F#m how much you mean to me B but they don't.. Reff : E A I will stay.. away.. from you.. G#m C#m A B I'm to.. be strong.. E A I'm trying.. to forget.. you.. G#m C#m goodbye.. my dear.. A Am E your happines is all I.. wish for.. A Am E your happines is all I.. wish for..
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